The Syndicat National des Agences de Mannequins (SYNAM)’s vocation is the defense of the interests of modeling agencies and its mission is to represent the entire modeling agency profession to clients and representative organizations, to consult and work with the representatives of the ministries and administrations concerned with the activity of modeling agencies and to maintain social dialogue with its partners, the representative employee unions.
In 2017, SYNAM was recognized by the Administration as the representative professional union of modeling agencies.
Today, more than twenty agencies are members of SYNAM.
As an example, in 2017, SYNAM obtained the easing of the conditions for medical visits for foreign models.
In the context of the COVID-related pandemic, SYNAM acquired financial support for all agencies from the Cabinet of the Ministry of the Economy.
“As a member for many years, our agency is sometimes confronted with complex administrative situations, whether European or regional. The expertise and responsiveness of our union make it a solid and effective partner.”
SYNAM is also about sharing the experience of each of its members… in complete confidentiality.
When you are an entrepreneur, being able to count on your partners is a real plus.”
Le SYNAM, créé en 2009, est né de la volonté partagée d’unir le SAM (Syndicat des Agences de Mannequins créé en 1972) et l’UNAM (Union Nationale des Agences de Mannequins créé en 1992).
“The SYNAM, beyond the updates and legislative and administrative information given throughout the year, was able to help us very quickly to face the health crisis as well as for the health protocols.
For my part, SYNAM, via Isabelle Saint Félix, was able to provide me with clear, quick and legally supported answers that allowed me to efficiently solve problems arising from unusual situations.
A punctual but very efficient support!”